July 2020:
FOCA to adopt mobileSL
Longstanding member of the EMPIC community, the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA), Switzerland, are expanding the scope of their EMPIC-EAP® implementation to include EMPIC® mobileSL. Following field trials during which inspection and audit staff tested the capabilities in different scenarios, the FOCA management decided to acquire mobileSL from EMPIC.
This comprehensive tool – in combination with the EMPIC backend system – manages the full surveillance activity life-cycle from initial planning to close out of all findings; multiple users can work on one single surveillance event. ACAM inspections and Ramp Checks are also supported. MobileSL is packed with features to ensure that no detail is overlooked, no finding forgotten, with all supporting evidence, photos, signatures, reports and decisions timestamped and retained for posterity.
Synchronisation is via mobile networks or WLAN where available or otherwise on return to the office, so providing a fully integrated offline/online Surveillance Client for Windows laptops and tablets.