Positive Feedback from User Meeting Participants
The second User Meeting in 2022 just ended successfully. We were delighted to share the week from 7 -11 November with our customers. This User Meeting again took a hybrid approach, with virtual and personal attendance. All our clients from around the globe were able to participate, to discuss, and vote on technical innovations for the world’s leading safety oversight management software in the aviation regulator market. 31 participants from eight different nations met in person at EMPIC headquarters in Erlangen and enjoyed the personal exchange with the other authorities about best practices and future needs. A special thanks is dedicated to our clients from Switzerland and Australia who presented their new success stories with EMPIC-EAP®. The Swiss delegation presented the implementation path of our mobileSL® client for online/offline field inspections. Now the Swiss inspectors use mobileSL® for all inspections and audits in their daily work. The Australian authority presented a collection of self-configured workflows. A demonstration of a recently created procedure to notify the authority of scheduled fireworks via the CASA portal showed how the backend starts a workflow and a case object is created in EMPIC-EAP®. When the internal case and workflow procedures are completed, the EMPIC APIs permit an update on the CASA portal to notify the external stakeholder. Very impressive!
The sky is the limit for EMPIC-EAP® due to its configurability.
After two years of reduced User Meetings, we plan to return to our pre-Covid format with all-day working sessions in 2023.
Sincere thanks to our customers and our staff for this successful week.
Jörg K. Kottenbrink